SOP to map or create the user for doing PLI RPLI transactions in Darpan Android App
How to submit the data :
1. Login into MIS Darpan portal :
2. Click on PLI GDS Mapping
3. Select Account Office --> Select Branch Office.
PLI McCamish office code will be displayed. If not, then send a mail to with CSI facility id and PLI mccamish office
code to do office mapping. Once this mapping is done, then pli mccamish
office code will be displayed.
5. Enter GDS Employee ID
6. If the entered GDS Employee ID is not created:
a. Then user name , first name and Designation will be displayed.
b. Click on "Map User" button to submit the data.
If the entered GDS Employee ID is already created, then message will
display saying that "User Already exist for the office: XXXX in PLI."
GDS can do transactions in PLI Darpan App.
How to Check :
On next day, user can check if the GDS ID is created or not by following method:
In the same MIS darpan portal by entering the GDS or Substitute ID. If
GDS ID is created then message will display saying that "User Already
Exist for the office: XXXX in PLI." If not created, then again submit
the data or send mail to
2. In McCamish under system admin option -- > Update user details.