
An emergency SAP downtime activity on 20.10.2023 01.00 Am to 05.00 AM

Respected Sir/Madam

     An emergency SAP downtime activity(mentioned below) has been approved by the competent authority.


There's a sudden failure of some memory modules of SAP ECP CI server (at around 12 noon) due to which CI instance is switched to SAP ECP DB server and is running from there. Now to replace the part and switch SAP ECP CI instance on SAP ECP CI server a downtime of SAP ECP is required.

Downtime window: 20th Oct 2023 1:00 AM to 20th Oct 2023 5:00 AM

Business Impact: All SAP Modules including Mail Operations, HRMS, F&A, IPVS, DPMS, Track N Trace, Complaint Management, Bulk Booking, Bulk Customer Report and Call Center.

It is requested to kindly inform all office/officers accordingly.

Technology Branch
CEPT Bengaluru

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